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Cynthia Heimel (作家)


“When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap.”

– Cynthia Heimel, Writer

「不確定的時候,出醜一下沒關係,出色的創造力和最白癡的舉止,有時只有極細微的差距,別管那麼多,衝一下就對了。」– 辛西亞·海默爾 (作家)

  • 辛西亞·海默爾 (1947- ) 是為女權主義作家,她以挖苦諷刺的筆法申述女性自主,曾任職於《紐約每日新聞》,也在《時尚》及《花花公子》雜誌擔任過專欄作家,她最有名的著作是《女生性訣竅》。

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